EHiN Sikkerhet & Personvern 5: Forskning

This track is arranged in cooperation with the Norwegian health Network and the Norwegian Data Protection Authority.

Moderator: Veronica Jarnskjold Buer, Datatilsynet

1. Why Health Informatics Security matters – a Social-Technical Perspective from the CCIS-eHWS (This presentation is in English!)

The presentation will look at some typical information security incidents in the healthcare sector and present CCIS-eHWS (Center of Cyber and Information Security – eHealth and Welfare Security group)’s views on how to address these challenges from both socio-technical and technical perspectives.

By Bian Yang, Norwegian Inforation Security Lab, NTNU

2. Bruk av homomorphic kryptering innen helse

Some research approaches require access large amounts of sensitive data, typically for running database queries or computing statistics. But such databases are very hard to protect, especially against insider attacks. We discuss how modern cryptographic methods, such as secure multiparty computations or fully homormophic encryption can be used to protect such databases while still allowing access to the data for computations. We also discuss the practicality of these approaches, both in terms of resource requirements and skills needed for secure deployment.

By Kristian Gjølsteen, NTNU

3. Kunstig intelligens og anvendelsesområder i forskning og behandling innen helse.

v/ Ketil Videberg, Oslo Cancer Cluster

Kunstig intelligens og anvendelsesområder i forskning og behandling innen helse.

Security & Privacy
Location: EHiN S&P, room 5 Date: November 16, 2016 Time: 13:00 - 14:15 Bian Yang Kristian Gjøsteen Ketil Wideberg Norsk