EHiN 3 – session B3: Doctors in a distance

The bank is dead – long live the bank. Even though one seldom see a physical bank anymore the bank services is live. They are modern and up to date, up and running and available to everyone 24/7. If we need to speak to a real banker we hit the button in the app or via the web and start a chat with someone working for the bank, somewhere.

What similar real services are there in healthcare? Join this session to hear about examples and experiences from 3 different perspectives.


1. Implementation of Telemedicine in regular healthcare

By Leonard Witkamp, professor Telemedicine at University in Amsterdam

KSYOS in the Netherlands started as a virtual hospital. The KSYOS TeleMedical Center subsequently takes care of the implementation and operation of the TeleMedicine services in regular healthcare. KSYOS works together with a network of over 6,000 healthcare workers in TeleDiagnosis, TeleConsultation and TeleMonitoring, performing over 100,000 Teleconsultations yearly.

2. Web-guided therapy and disease self-management in ulcerative colitis

By Pia Munkholm, Professor at North Zealand University Hospital, Copenhagen Area, Capital Region, Denmark

3. Electronic medication for patients living at home

By Sven Seljom, CEO Evondos

Has developed and sold solutions for electronic medication handling for patients living at home since 1999. He is today CEO of Evondos Norway. Originally founded in Finland, Evondos is now an internationally established company that delevops, produces and markets high quality solutions in eHealth, care technology and medication handling.

EHiN 3
Location: EHiN 3, room 3 Date: November 15, 2016 Time: 13:00 - 14:15 Leonard Witkamp Pia Munkholm Sven Seljom