To increase patients’ empowerment and involvement in their own health, several countries have decided to provide patients with digital access to their health records. However, each country has their own approach and practices. Access can also range wildly from region to region, being fully digital in some but only partially available in others. Based on the experience with patients’ digital access to their health record, the workshop will explore the rationale for designing the service: Is full, digital access the goal? In what circumstances is it acceptable to limit access? The workshop aims to increase knowledge and awareness in Europe regarding patients’ access to their health record. We will discuss the technical, legal, organizational, practical and cultural barriers for a service for all, as well as investigating possibilities for the future.
Recommended for:
-Healthcare professionals with experience in researching, planning, and/or implementing a digital access service for their patients.
-Must be willing to actively participate. Participants will receive material to read as preparation for the workshop.
-First come first served
-Late Date Registration is the 7th of November
The workshop is organized by the Norwegian Centre for e-health research and the DOME research consortium, coordinated by Uppsala University, Sweden.
10:00 Welcome and introduction. Scope and purpose of the workshop
10.30 Description of the service “Patients’ digital access to their health record”: How much information, which type of journal documents, to how many people, for how long time?
11.15 Who should have access? Introduction and discussion
12:15 Lunch
13:00 What type of journal documents should be provided? Introduction and discussion
14:00 On the limitations of the service: Technical, organizational, legal, cultural and practical. Introduction and discussion
15:00 Where are we in 2021? Plans for the future
15:45 Closing remarks
Photo: Colourbox
Further reading
The DOME consortium researches on Deployment of Online Medical records and E-health services. Read more about the Dome Consortium in Sweden at and styredokument/rapport (only in Swedish)
Read more about the development of the service in Northern Norway here , and at in Norwegian)
Practical information
The workshop is held in Oslo Spectrum 14 November 2016 from 10:00 – 16:00 in connection with the EHiN Future Health– European Telemedicine Conference 2016 (ETC). The workshop is free of charge for those registered at the EHIN – ETC 2016.
You have to sign up for the workshop here on a first come, first served basis. Last date for registration for the workshop is 7 November.
For questions, contact Tove Sørensen, Project Manager Digitale pasienttjenester i nord Telephone: +47 911 95 696 or Eli Kristiansen, Project Manager for ETC
Tove Sørensen& Monika A Johansen, Norwegian Centre for E-health Research
Åsa Cajander & Jon Moll, Usability researchers , Uppsala University
Isabella Scandurra, Health Informatics Reseacher, Örebro University