EHiN 2 – session B2: Predictive Analytics, Precision Medicine

What if…Like in the movie Back To The Future, we could look into the future and make qualified choices based on what we learned and what we know. Well, this is what Predictive Analytics and Precision Medicine is about. More specifically, Precision Medicine is about being able to classify people precisely, based on their susceptibility, their microbiology and/or their prognosis, at a considerably higher resolution than ever before.
The session will present great examples and correlations between predictive analytics and health related outcomes.

Moderator Eirik Nikolai Arnesen, medical doctor

  1. BigMed and Big data

By Erik Fosse

Fosse has long term experience with new technology as leader for the Intervention Center at the University hospital in Oslo. This year, he leaded the BigMed project that has received 60 million NOK in funding from the Research Council of Norway IKTPLUSS Lighthouse program. The vision behind the BIG data MEDical solution (BIGMED) is to lay the foundation for an ICT platform that addresses the analytic bottlenecks for the implementation of precision medicine, and paves the way for novel big data analytics.

2. Data analysis in Health South East region

By Meetali Kakad

3. Watson in Healthcare

By Peter Mortensen


EHiN 2
Location: EHiN 2, room 2 Date: November 15, 2016 Time: 13:00 - 14:15 Erik Fosse Meetali Kakad Peter Mortensen