This track is arranged in cooperation with the Norwegian health Network and the Norwegian Data Protection Authority. This track is in Norwegian.
Moderator: Synnøve Farstad, Norsk Helsenett
By Erlend Dyrnes, Informasjonssikkerhetsansvarlig at
By Kari Gimmingsrud, attorny at Haavind
Managing data protection and privacy in personalized medicine and health” – this includes key implications of the new EU regulation, embrace privacy by design and other regulatory considerations
By Lars Erik Baugstø-Hartvigsen, sikkerhetsansvarlig hos HVIKT
Hvordan kan helsesektoren flytte tilgangen til sensitive data i fagapplikasjoner bort fra brukernavn/passord beskyttelse, basert på løsninger sektoren allerede implementerer for pålogging til kjernejournal og signering i eResept? Helse Vest har gjort det, og presenterer sin smartkort-baserte løsning for tilgangsstyring med lokale sertifikater for pålogging til domenet og fagapplikasjoner, kombinert med bruk av kvalifiserte sertifikater for sikker kommunikasjon og signering «ut av huset».
By Bjørn Riiber, Senior Microsoft Technology Specialist, Citrix
Clinicians and medical staff require seamless access to patient health information as they move across home, hospitals and mobile devices. How do IT organizations address their needs without stifling workflow and ensure the security of patient information in an aggressively growing, distributed mobile environment?
What you will learn
Bolster the business case for desktop and app virtualization, enterprise mobility management and cloud network platform
Embrace mobile devices and apps while maintaining security and control
Increase system usage by taking a clinician-centered approach
Build an agile infrastructure to support future organizational growth