
The final word is to the clinicians

The EHiN Future Health 2016 will close with short presentations of the Norwegian Nurses Organisation (Sykepleieforbundet) and the Norwegian Medica l Association (Legeforeningen). They will express their view on how technology can help in their daily life helping others.

Lunch and Exhibition

At every EHiN Event, a generous and healthy lunch is provided. No need to rush. There’s plenty to go around. The lunch break is a time to reflect over the keynotes you’ve listened and to discuss what you’ve learned with your fellow participants. On the exhibition floor, you will find dozens of interesting boothes each with […]

Lunch and Exhibition

  At every EHiN Event, a generous and healthy lunch is provided. No need to rush. There’s plenty to go around. The lunch break is a time to reflect over the keynotes you’ve listened and to discuss what you’ve learned with your fellow participants. On the exhibition floor, you will find dozens of interesting boothes each […]

ETC Scientific Track – Poster Presentation Lunch 2

Authors of the listed papers will be available for at the poster presentation lunch. If you would like to meet them, they will be available, both days, in the Expo Area. Read all ETC scientific track abstracts in the ETC supplement. “A Model-Based Approach with Tool Support to Facilitate the Cancer Registration Process in Cancer […]

ETC Scientific Track – Poster Presentation Lunch

Authors of the listed papers will be available for at the poster presentation lunch. If you would like to meet them, they will be available, both days, in the Expo Area. Read all ETC scientific abstracts in ETC supplement.  “A Model-Based Approach with Tool Support to Facilitate the Cancer Registration Process in Cancer Registry of […]