EHiN 1 – session D1: Future perspectives on radiology and healthcare diagnostics

Terms and technology like deep learning, big data and artificial intelligence have spread into healthcare diagnostics and radiology. The purpose is to assist  in decision-making by creating cheaper and more efficient diagnoses.

Researchers and vendors moving this field forward have a bold recommendation for radiologists: “Embrace it, it will make you stronger; reject it, it may make you irrelevant.”

In this session we will hear how smart technology can unburden radiologists and allow them to focus on the most important cases instead of checking hundreds of images every day.

Moderator: Bjørn Myrvold

1. Can cognitive insights improve radiology?

Petter Hurlen, Akershus University Hospital

Akershus University Hospital has previously demonstrated how structured information from the Electronic Patient Record can used to improve diagnostic imaging. The purpose of the current project is to combine the cognitive analyses of unstructured record information with structured data to assess the use of Computed Tomography (CT) scans in emergency pediatric cases. On the one hand, CT scans can provide valuable diagnostic information; on the other it exposes the patient for radiation. Current clinical indications are based on limited studies of a few dozens cases. The current project will analyze tens of thousands of cases using IBM Watson Explorer to identify and limit clinical indications for CT scans of children in emergency cases.

2. Possibilities of big data analytics for imaging

By Claes Lundstöm, Sectra

The digitization in diagnostic imaging has led to major advances. Mostly, however, the advances have been about making old working habits more effective rather than creating new ones – diagnostics is still very much about human observation of images. In contrast, big data and artifical intelligence make automated analysis on a large scale possible. One example is to be able to relate every single patient to all the knowledge stored for the hundreds of thousands patients a care provider has previously managed.
In this presentation the possibilities of big data analytics for imaging will be described, and the fundamental paradigm shifts it entails. One shift is the role of the imaging archive. Today it is more or less a simple storage box, but in a big data-enabled world it is a true goldmine in terms of its value for quality of care improvements. The other shift discussed is the role of the diagnostic physician (radiologist or pathologist). They will also in the future have an exciting key role to play in the care chain, but it will not be the same as today.
3. Regional solution for digital images in Helse Vest RHF
By Alexandra Reksten, Helse Vest HRF
The value of having image studies in one place and available where the clinician is located is why Helse Vest in 2012 decided to introduce a regional media archive. As with any sensitive patient information, all regional media archives meet the legal requirement to store and manage patient information securely.This presentation will provide a glimpse of Helse Vest’s experience with introducing such a joint media archive so far and pointing out important prerequisites for success.




EHiN 1
Location: EHiN 1, room 1 Date: November 16, 2016 Time: 10:45 - 12:00 Petter Hurlen Claes Lundström Alexandra Reksten