
Norsk forskningsprosjekt bringer HoloLens-teknologi inn i operasjonssalen

Oslo: Et nytt forskningsprosjekt skal finne ut av hvordan hologrammer i «mixed reality» kan bidra til flere vellykkede leverkreftoperasjoner. Denne saken er skrevet av Sopra Steria og ble opprinnelig publisert her.  Et norsk sykehusmiljø i 2017: En liten gruppe kirurger står sammen i en operasjonssal. Det er ingen dataskjermer i rommet, ingen tegninger eller modeller. […]

Comarch Healthcare

Comarch Healthcare is a member of Comarch Group. The products offered by the company combine the expertise of medical institutions and telecommunications companies with the latest developments in the field of telemedicine. The implementation experience gained in numerous medical institutions has allowed the company to deliver solutions that meet needs related to the rationalization of […]

M-health: The Power of Mobile Technology

“Telemedicine and m-health are an opportunity for citizens and a driver of great economic impact”, says Terje Peetso, Policy officer at European Commission (Unit Health and Wellbeing in DG Communications Networks). Written by eHealth Trends & Talks (interview by Artur Olesch) ————————————————— I would call you “an EU ambassador of -health and m-health solutions”. Why do […]

Vi trenger frivillige

  Ønsker du å være tilstede der hele Norges e-helsebransje møtes? Du ønsker erfaring fra arrangering av større arrangementer og studerer kanskje telemedisin, teknologi eller helse? 15.og 16. november arrangeres EHiN Future Health og European Telemedicine Conference i Oslo Spektrum. Dette er Norges største e-helsekonferanse og vi håper på over 1000 påmeldte fra hele landet og […]

ETC Call for Papers
ETC Call for Papers Scientific Track deadline 10 June 2016 The European Telemedicine Conference 2016 highlights research and operational evidence from innovative healthcare solutions. As such the goal is to address challenges and findings from new product development, effect-oriented studies, and operational experiences. An international program committee will judge the abstracts submitted. The best abstracts will [...]